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Free Guided Faery Journey Recording

Take a Peek into the New Earth & the Faery Realm — Activate the Magic in Your Reality Today!

World of Wonder - Visioning the Faery Realm - Free Faery Recording

Have You Ever Wondered How Faeries See the World?

— And Why it Matters? (Free Recording)

Maybe you don’t think it matters at all, but it really does. Our entire world is created from the etheric templates of the faery realm. Nature Spirits weave the web of Nature from those templates and support all the life we see around us — including our own bodies.

When we learn to see the world through faery eyes, we can help to activate these magical templates in our own lives and in the world around us . In short, we can help co-create the dawn of the New Earth — a world of harmony, peace, cooperation and prosperity for all.

You’ve probably heard that energy flows where attention goes. Let’s focus our attention on the beauty and wonder of the faery realm and invite it into our troubled human world.

Together we uplift our planet and activate the New Earth!

Get the Free Recording Today!

NO COST – That’s right. It’s FREE!

Faery visioning - Free Faery Recording

Let’s Welcome the Dawn of the New Earth

The faery realm is full of beings, large and small, who orchestrate the symphony of life on planet Earth. From massive ocean devas and tiny flower fairies, to the elementals of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, they inhabit and enliven every aspect of Nature. It is time for us humans to join with them to uplift our lives and enhance their work of harmonizing our planet.

Come along on this guided adventure to a World of Wonder and bring the magic of the faery realm into your own life and the world around you.

Your Faery Realm Guide

I’m Bernadette Wulf, Faery Emissary and Director of Faehallows School of Magic. In this recorded workshop I will be leading you on two guided shamanic journeys to connect with the beautiful faery vision for our New Earth.

Wonderful things are ready to unfold for all life on our planet. It is all just waiting in the faery realm for us to welcome it in. Let’s call it in together!


Email Bernadette Wulf 

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