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Using Magical Tools

The Purpose of Magical Tools

I am sure you have heard stories of magicians, witches, and wizards using magic wands, crystals, candles, and cauldrons. These are all symbols that communicate directly with the subconscious mind.

If you want to change yourself or the world, you have to find a way to communicate with your subconscious, because it is by far the most powerful aspect of your psyche. Without it, your magic will not work.

One reason the subconscious mind responds to magical tools is because they are fun to use. The subconscious includes the wisdom and playfulness of your inner child.

Engage your inner child and your magic will be much more effective!

How to Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind Using Magical Tools

Your subconscious does not understand spoken or written language very well. It responds to symbols, such as magical tools, rhythm, rhyme, ritual, repetition, chants, spells, visualizations and music.

Candle magic — magical tools

Scientists say the subconscious controls over 90% of your actions and it interprets everything literally and through symbols.

That’s why every country has a flag, and every religion has a cross, star, or some other symbol that represents it. We naturally understand symbols at a very deep level of our being.

Lighting a green candle to attract money, or pointing a wand when you make a wish can reinforce the power of your imagination by getting the subconscious mind to understand and cooperate with your conscious wishes.

The way to know if using a particular tool is helping your dreams come true is to pay attention to how you feel.

If you feel uplifted and joyful using a particular tool, chant, spell or ritual, then you can be sure it is helping you connect with the positive flow of Universal Energy that makes your dreams come true.

If a particular tool, symbol, or ritual
doesn’t feel good to you DON’T USE IT!

Popular Magical Tools

The most popular magical tools are based on the Four Sacred Hallows of the faery realm:

  • Athame magical toolThe Sword or Athame representing Air and East
  • The Spear or Wand representing Fire and South
  • The Cauldron, Cup or Chalice representing Water and West
  • The Stone, Pentacle, Crystal representing Earth and North

The element of Ether is usually represented by a candle or incense. Its placement is in the center of the magical circle or sphere.

What other magical tools have you used?

  • Divination cards
  • feathers
  • bells
  • salt
  • soil
  • broomsticks
  • crystal balls

These and many more tools are used in magic. Pick the ones that feel most uplifting to you and use them with intention.

Your subconscious mind will be happy when you communicate directly with it and your magic will be much more powerful.

Learn more about the use of Magical Tools in the Faehallows Magical Foundation Course