Using Law of Attraction Can Be Easy!
All Practical Magic is based on the Law of Attraction. In other words, if you want to use magic to change your life in practical ways, you have to learn how the laws of the Universe work.
You may want to start by signing up for my FREE 21 Days to Dreams Coming True!
Abraham-Hicks, a group of channeled entities, offers the best Law of Attraction teachings I’ve found. Following their advice has dramatically changed my life for the better.
Here are some of the most important things I’ve learned from working with their teachings:
The First Key to attracting anything you desire is to stay joyfully focused on whatever you can appreciate — ANYTHING you can appreciate.
- The Second Key to attracting anything you desire is to take INSPIRED action. That means WAITING until you feel truly inspired to act. It is going to take about 80% Vision and 20% Action! — Look for enthusiasm, inspiration, and positive feelings. ANY action prompted by stress, fear, or feelings of lack, will take you farther away from what you desire. When you focus on your goal or desire with positive feelings, you will eventually become inspired to DO something. It may be something as unexpected as taking a walk in the woods. Whatever it is, DO IT. Follow your bliss. It will ALWAYS lead to your dreams coming true.
- The Third Key to attracting anything you want is to take a look at the results you are already getting and then change the way you think and feel about the areas you don’t like or want to improve. — Or you can sometimes just shift your focus to things you appreciate so you can avoid thinking about things you don’t want.
Ask yourself the following questions about key areas of life:
What is your health like?
- How do you feel when you look in the mirror?
- Do you have enough money?
- What sort of friendships do you have?
- How do you relate to your family?
- What do you think of your romantic life?
- How do you feel about your job or business?
- Are you happy with your life?
Your answers to those questions, and the immediate feelings that came up, reflect your dominant beliefs in each of these areas. Your external reality will reflect those dominant beliefs. You can change them for the better by finding things to appreciate in each of these areas.
Are your beliefs True or False?
You will know immediately if something is True, because True feels uplifting and light, while False feel heavy and dense.
Whether true or false, your beliefs are shaping your results in life!
Beliefs are simply thoughts that we keep thinking over and over again until they seem like reality. In truth, they are nothing more than habitual thoughts. As long as we keep thinking them, our life will stay pretty much the same.
Change the way you think about each area of your life and you will see amazing changes in your outer reality. It may not happen overnight, but stick with it for a few months and then look back at what has changed. You might be amazed!
How can you change your beliefs?
Start with the first key — appreciation.
There is always something to appreciate, no matter how dire your circumstances. It can be something as small as a ray of sunshine lighting up your wall. It’s not important WHAT you appreciate. It’s the feeling of appreciation that aligns you with positive experiences.
The more you form a habit of appreciating anything and everything you encounter, the more smoothly and happily your life will unfold.
As things start getting better, your subconscious mind will begin to relax its negative beliefs and you will have more and more uplifting experiences. You will eventually find that your whole view of reality has changed for the better.
There You Have It!
That’s all you really need to know. Sure, you can find all sorts of “rules of the Universe” and “steps to success” with Law of Attraction out there if you look for them, but you can bypass all that left-brain stuff by simply:
1. finding ways to stay joyfully focused on what you want to attract — or anything else that feels uplifting
2. waiting to feel inspired by enthusiasm before you take any action
3. looking at your results, and then changing your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs if you want different results! In other words, more appreciation.
I constantly use Law of Attraction to improve my own life. I want you to know how easy it can be to improve the quality of YOUR life, too.
Using Law of Attraction is not about getting more stuff, though you can use it for that.
It’s really about reconnecting with your joyful and abundant Inner-Self and the Universal Source of which you are a part.
When you get to the core of your desires, you will always find that what you REALLY wanted was to feel good.
No matter where you’re starting out, you can improve ANY aspect of your life dramatically in 90 days or less. I did it with Money and even wrote a book about my process called Money Magic – 90 Days to Prosperity in YOUR Hands. You can use the same process to improve any aspect of your life:
- Increase Your Financial Prosperity
- Improve Your Health
- Find Your Ideal Weight
- Attract Great Relationships
- Inspire Your Creativity
- Achieve Harmony in Your Home
- Smooth Your Way with Bosses
- Find Your Ideal Job
- Create Your Dream Career or Business
- Attain Performance Goals
- Clear Blocks and Bad Habits
- You Name It!
Why Law of Attraction Doesn’t Always SEEM to Work
I’ve been consciously working with Law of Attraction for over 30 years. Believe me, it wasn’t easy at first. Sometimes it just didn’t seem to work — until I discovered a “secret” they don’t tell you about in The Secret film.
Maybe you have had the same experience. You visualized what you wanted. You thought about it a lot. But it just didn’t happen. It seems to work for other people. Why not you? Is there something you are missing?
The answer is yes!
What you are missing is the cooperation of your subconscious mind! According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief, our subconscious mind controls over 95% of our actions. No wonder our conscious intentions so often go astray!
If your subconscious is not supporting your choices, only about 5% of your energy is attracting what you want. The other 95% may be attracting the opposite of what you want!
Here’s the Problem
The Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working.
It never fails, but…
- We are not even consciously aware of the subconscious part of us that is attracting most of what we experience in life
- Our fears, childhood misconceptions, false & limiting beliefs, and past traumas are all acting like energetic magnets to attract things that match their negative vibration
- Like attracts like
- Unless we discover and clear or change the negative programming in the subconscious, we keep recreating the same old negative stuff we are trying to get away from
If there is a vibration of fear resonating in your subconscious, you will attract the very things you fear.
If you accepted a belief in early childhood and never changed it, that belief can shape the reality you perceive as long as you live.
For example, if you believe eyesight gets worse after the age of 40:
- You will just happen to find scientific studies that validate your belief
- You will notice that your friends over 40 wear glasses to read
- When you reach 40 that small print will start looking fuzzy
Everywhere you look you will find “proof” that your belief is true.
That’s how LOA works. Yet, the actual fact is that there are many people who have perfectly good vision after 40. You just won’t notice them, because they are outside of your belief structure. They will not be attracted into your awareness.
There ARE Solutions
Get your subconscious mind to work with you, rather than against you!
Sounds easy, and it can be with tools like ritual magic and EFT.
In order to use the Law of Attraction effectively, you have to learn how to either bypass the subconscious mind, clear its limiting beliefs and fears, or engage it in your conscious choices.
There are several ways to do this:
- The Buddhist practice of “mindfulness” requires constant vigilance and conscious awareness of your thoughts. It’s a wonderful practice, but not always easy!
- A modern, scientific answer is Energy Psychology Meridian Tapping Therapies which work by releasing subconscious beliefs, fears, and doubts through the energetic pathways of the body — EFT is probably the best known of these modalities
- Another solution is Ritual Magic. In the ancient Mystery Schools, initiates learned how to enlist the cooperation of their subconscious minds through rituals, chanting, and symbols, the natural language of the subconscious mind
- Meditation is also useful, because it enables you to let go of the logical mind and desires for awhile and allow what you want to come to you
- Just plain old having a good time is the most natural way to allow what you want to come in. As long as you are enjoying life, the conscious and subconscious aspects of your mind are working together in harmony, which allows the Universe to freely give you what you want. This kind of feel-good fun includes the practice of appreciation and gratitude
For more information about the Law of Attraction visit the following websites: one of my favorite “channeled” teachers. A kindred spirit with profound wisdom and humor to share.
“That which you term enlightenment or ascension or whatever other funny name you have for it, is indeed the natural result of loving every facet of you absolutely and unconditionally. And that, my beloved ones, is the alpha/omega of super consciousness.
Everything else is simply a story.” — P’taah Highly recommended — The most practical information I have found about using the Law of Attraction to uplift your life and tap into the joy, love, and abundance that is your natural state of being.
See for great videos from Abraham-Hicks.
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