Enhance Your Life with Law of Attraction Magic
Law of Attraction Magic is always working. Every one of us is constantly shaping our reality with the thoughts we think.
The only problem is when we sometimes attract things we don’t want.
Why does that happen?
Though you may consciously want to attract particular things or experiences, your powerful subconscious mind may be operating from a different set of desires, beliefs and choices.
Law of Attraction magic helps you communicate directly with your powerful subconscious mind.
Magic aligns the subconscious mind with your conscious choices by communicating in a language the subconscious can understand – the language of ritual and symbol.
- Once the conscious and subconscious aspects of your mind understand each other, you can intentionally shape your reality in whatever way you choose.
Law of Attraction states: Like Attracts Like
This means that every thought you think is attracting similar thoughts to it. The more you focus on a particular thought, the stronger it will get, because other thoughts like it will be attracted. Your thoughts also align you with people, places and things that match the same vibration.
Most of your thoughts (called beliefs when frequently repeated) are so deeply buried in your subconscious mind that you won’t even notice them. You simply accept them as “reality.”
Most of these subconscious thoughts are there to support you, but some tend to undermine your well being (i. e. fears, expectations of lack, or perhaps a sense of failure).
Your logical mind may not even believe them. Yet you may find yourself repeatedly living out the patterns of these limiting thoughts because you habitually keep thinking them (whether you are conscious of it or not).
Through magic, you can explore the shadow lands of your subconscious mind and create new thought patterns that attract abundance, expansion, and joy into your life.
Your subconscious mind loves symbols and rituals, and it is able to use archetypal images as templates for growth and empowerment.
That’s why tarot cards can be such a powerful tool. And that is why certain myths and magical practices have endured through the ages. They actually work to shift your consciousness out of bondage, fear and limitation, toward empowered creativity.
Two Paths of Magic
Our ancient ancestors refined the practice of magic to a fine art. Often spelled magick or magik to separate it from the sleight-of-hand tricks performed by entertainers, real magic is neither trick, nor performance. It is a deeply personal, spiritual path of growth and understanding — a path of expanding awareness and conscious creativity.
There are two main Magical paths:
- Active — using ritual and symbol to shift consciousness and shape reality to attract what we want in life
- Receptive — intuitive perception of windows between worlds — using “thin” places and times to access and explore the wonder of the Otherworlds
Both paths can lead to the experience of Oneness with the Creative Power of the Universe.
Definition of Magic
If you have studied magic for long, you will have read somewhere that Dion Fortune defined magic as “the art of causing changes to take place in consciousness in accordance with will.”
When consciousness is changed, reality changes.
Every thought you think affects the entire universe, so consciously focusing on particular thoughts will attract more of those kinds of thoughts to enhance the power of the original thought.
This attractive power then opens our awareness to events, things, and people aligned with the original thoughts.
The unique value of Law of Attraction Magic is that it can bypass the conscious mind to communicate directly with the subconscious. Sometimes it is simply a matter of attuning yourself to uplifting other-dimensional realities.
By enlisting the support of your powerful subconscious mind, in combination with conscious application of Law of Attraction Magic, you can tap into the unlimited creative power of the Universe and manifest anything you want.
Start today! It is all about how you focus your mind.
Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want
It is certainly possible to manifest whatever you desire simply by consciously focusing your attention on what you want. This is the way most people are using the Law of Attraction today.
It is a practice of always focusing on the most positive feelings in everything you do. It requires constant awareness of your thoughts and feelings. In the Buddhist tradition this is called “mindfulness.”
Law of Attraction Magic makes it so much easier! It takes working with the Law of Attraction one big step further; in addition to using the conscious mind, it engages the subconscious part of the mind that governs at least 90% of your actions!
Doesn’t that sound like a lot more fun?
Magic is the “missing link” for those who have tried using Law of Attraction and found that it doesn’t seem to work for them
According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Author of Biology of Belief:
“In contrast to the power of the conscious mind, the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful an information processor. Also, as neuroscientists emphasize, the conscious mind provides 5% or less of the cognitive activity during the day.
Ninety-five to ninety-nine percent of our behavior is directly derived from the subconscious. Hence [with] the use of the word ‘power’ in the concept of will power, it takes significant effort for the conscious mind to keep tabs on the subconscious behavior. Positive thinking is primarily effective if the subconscious supports the conscious intention.”
Law of Attraction Magic IS The Language of Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind understands the language of ritual and symbol. It interprets everything you think and say quite literally.
Certain symbols and rituals have been passed down to us by the ancients. Even though our modern conscious minds are filled with technology, facts, and science, our subconscious still responds to these ancient symbols in the same way it did for our distant ancestors.
The basic elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air have particular meanings represented by geometrical shapes and symbols such as knives, swords, candles, cups, cauldrons, stones, spears, and wands.
Your subconscious mind knows exactly how to interpret these symbols. You can use them to communicate your conscious intentions to your subconscious, thereby gaining a powerful ally in the quest to improve your life.
Engage Your Subconscious Mind
In the Celtic Mystery School Magical Foundation Course you will learn how to communicate with your subconscious mind according to the Ancient Wisdom of Celtic Mystery Traditions.
It is a tradition rich in lore and symbolism, with which you are probably already somewhat familiar.
No doubt you’ve heard of these Celtic archetypes:
- The Isle of Avalon
- King Arthur
- Morgan le Fey
- Merlin
- Magic wands
- Druids
- The Grail
- A magical Sword
These and similar archetypes have appeared over and over again for thousands of years. We still find them in our modern literature and films.
In our Magical Foundation Course you will learn how your subconscious mind already understands these symbols and why they awaken repeated interest in public awareness.
In short, we NEED them.
These magical symbols help us keep our magic alive so we can continue to expand our delicious experience of living on this beautiful planet.
We are meant to live a joyful life, full of discovery and creativity.
We are meant to find life thrilling at times and peaceful most other times.
Open the door to delight and wonder by including Law of Attraction Magic in your life, starting today!
The Magic of Believing
You can start living a magical life right now! You simply have to believe it is possible. It really IS, once you learn how to activate your magical brain.
Most of us have been told that magic is “just pretend,” nothing more than sleight-of-hand, or a children’s fantasy. Yet deep down we know.
There is a natural longing for magic that stirs in the heart of every child. A part of us wants to believe. That child is still alive somewhere inside each of us and it is a vital part of who we are.
Just look at the amazing popularity of the Harry Potter series — the best-selling novels of all time! It is obvious that our collective consciousness WANTS to experience magic, even if we can only find it in fiction.
But we don’t have to rely on fiction. We can live the magic! Faehallows School of Magic is a grown-up version of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It’s a Magic School for adults.
Magic is Fun!
Dark images of ugly hags stirring cauldrons may come to mind when you think of magic, but those images were fabricated in the Middle-ages when the Catholic church attempted to destroy the power of magic and witches.
If magic were not such a powerful force in the world, there would have been no reason for them to wage a 400 year battle against witchcraft called the Inquisition!
Yet Law of Attraction Magic lives on. It always will. It is a natural part of who we are!
Real magicians are generally gentle and devoted to creating harmony and balance in the world. They love to play and create beauty, including beautiful rituals and magical symbols.
Magical rituals should be ecstatic and uplifting, allowing the inner child to come out to play. Certainly, there is a serious and spiritual dimension to magic, but it need not be bogged down in heavy dogma, drama, or pedantic repetition.
Magic is a spirituality of freedom, creativity and expansion. Ultimately, magic will make you a better person, or perhaps simply allow more of who you really are to be expressed.
Are you ready to witness your own magical creativity?
Science & Magic
Coincidentally, cutting-edge scientists are now proving that magic is real!
Believe it or not, quantum physicists are actually validating our magical traditions. Mind over matter! (Have you seen What the Bleep Do We Know?) But they still have a lot to learn. The ancient Mystery School initiates were way ahead of modern scientists.
Long before quantum physics, the Mystery Schools taught what scientists are just beginning to prove today.
- For thousands of years magical knowledge was passed down from one generation to another.
- It was kept secret from the general public, but there were always a select few who understood magic and the Law of Attraction.
- Now you can learn their secrets, too.
- This is the time in history when all secrets will be revealed!
There were Mystery Schools in every great culture of the past: Egypt, Persia, India, all over Europe, the British Isles, Central America.
The tradition that guides Faehallows School of Magic is Celtic Mystery Wisdom. It was passed down to us through word of mouth, Celtic Mythology, Druid lore, and the Arthurian legends.
The mythology of the Celts and pre-Celts of Europe and the British Isles has permeated Western thinking, even in America — to the point where the press called our White House “Camelot” during the Kennedy administration.
As a culture, we never seem to tire of books and films based on Arthurian lore and other Celtic themes.
In short, Celtic magic has always been with us, for those who have eyes to see.
Are you ready to open your eyes and see it?
Sign Up for the
Celtic Mystery School
Magical Law of Attraction Foundation Course