Five Magical Laws of the Universe
I call these five laws magical, because they can seem magical to us, and they are indeed the basis for understanding how magic works.
Just because most people don’t have a clue about them doesn’t mean they are free from the effects of magical laws.
We are all affected, whether we know it or not. One of the joys of magic is learning to work WITH these universal laws, rather than resisting or fighting against them.
There are only a few simple magical laws you need to remember:
Law #1 — The Law of Reflection
“As within, so without” can also be stated as: “As above so below,” or “The microcosm reflects the macrocosm.” In other words, what you experience in your outer life will always be a reflection of your inner reality.
Your external life is a perfect picture of what you have been feeling and thinking inside — with a bit of a time delay.
It is vitally important that you change your inner consciousness if you want to change your external circumstances.
The Magical Tools listed at the bottom of my Practical Magic page are designed to help you shift to a higher and lighter inner vibration that will attract the good things you want in your external life.
Law #2 — The Law of Vibration
Everything that exists is made of energy and energy is always vibrating. The speed of your vibration determines what you will attract.
Just like a plucked string on a guitar, everything in life vibrates at a certain frequency. When a particular note or frequency is plucked, all similar strings will start to vibrate on other guitars in the room. But the strings that don’t play that note will not respond.
It is the same in your life. When you vibrate at a certain emotional or thought frequency, you activate everything around you that resonates with that frequency.
- A bad mood will activate lots of things going wrong and other grumpy people will be activated in your experience.
- A good mood will activate things that flow smoothly, and friendly, happy people will be drawn into your experience. (Don’t forget to allow for a time delay.)
Law #3 — The Law of Allowing

The Law of Allowing means accepting what is, ideally without judgement. The more you can observe without deciding whether you are for or against something, the more you are free to interact with it in the moment, or simply let it go.
It is all about letting go and getting out of your own way.
Most of your “not allowing” comes in the form of resistance. Whatever you resist will persist. Stop resisting and you will stop vibrating at the same frequency as the thing you don’t want.
Your attention against it will keep it in your experience. Even negative attention, like “I DON’T want that,” is still attention. The Universe doesn’t get the “don’t” in that sentence. It only responds to the fact that you are focusing on that thing.
Allowing it will set you free. Loving or appreciating it is a form of allowing.
Law #4 — The Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction simply means, “Like attracts like.” When you are vibrating in a particular way, things and people of similar vibrations will be drawn to you.
Law of Attraction is very much connected with Law of Allowing and Law of Vibration. All the laws work together to attract what you experience in life.
To improve your life in any way, you have to change your attraction point, which means spending more time feeling good. This will raise your vibration so, in time, you attract more things that feel good.
You may have also heard of the magical rule — “Harm none; do what you will.” That’s just common sense, really. When you harm anyone or anything, you create the vibration of harm, so guess what will come back to you eventually. That’s Law of Attraction in action.
Law #5 — The Law of Asking
“Ask and it is given.” You will only get what you ask for. The way you ask is through your vibration and your focus.

It is actually an inner command or resonance, rather than verbal begging for what you want from some external source.
Whatever you focus your thoughts on is a form of asking, whether positive or negative.
You can also ask consciously with words and pictures. This will make the asking much stronger, because it requires clear focus.
The important thing is that you are clear about what you want and you don’t let doubts or misgivings contradict it — i.e. you already feel good when you are asking for it.
If you ask out of a feeling of lack, you will only attract more lack.
Beneath our desires, we all want to feel good, right? All the fancy houses, money, cars, friends, family, lovers, health, beauty, or whatever else we may want are simply things we think will make us happy.
But often they won’t, once we actually have them, at least not for long. So why not just go for the real thing? Just look for ways to feel good!
Why not ask to feel good and then let all the other stuff show up as a bonus?
When you ask by matching the vibration of
what you really want (i.e. appreciation),
you WILL get it!
It is Universal Law!
Your adventure has just begun!
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and the Laws of the Universe
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