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The Four Faery Hallows
and the Search for the Grail

Also known as the Four Sacred Hallows, these gifts from the faery realm offer us a mysterious path lined with clues that was laid out for us thousands of years ago in Celtic mythology. These clues are woven into our world — in the very elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth that we see and feel around and within us.

The Sidhe - holy grail

In ancient Irish legend, the Tuatha De Danaan (the tribe of the Goddess Danu, now known as the faery folk or Sidhe — pronounced Shee) came from four sacred cities in the North bringing these four magical gifts to our world.

The four sacred hallows of the faeries hold magical secrets and they provide us with a template of creation.

Hence our school is named FaeHallows.

Today these Hallows can easily be recognized in the Arthurian legends concerning the Grail and also in the suits of Tarot decks, the images of which can be traced back to legends of Merlin and beyond.

These four sacred objects have become known collectively as the Grail — though the Grail can appear in the lore as a stone, chalice, platter, cauldron, or even an emerald.

The Hallows are feminine, right-brain symbols of the four elements. The elements are also represented by the Pythagorean geometrical solids which are masculine, left-brain symbols in the Hermetic tradition. Many other symbols have sprung from these basic roots, allowing us to penetrate deeper into the mysteries of reality and creation.

The Four Sacred Hallows have never been lost,
yet few now recognize them

grail maidenReferences to these Four Fairy Hallows and the Grail abound in Celtic & Arthurian mythology, but the Grail itself remains a mystery.

Because it is represented by all the Hallows, as a cup, chalice, serving dish or the Cauldron of Plenty in some stories, often in connection with a Spear, or in other stories as a Stone, sometimes in connection with a Sword, we can see that it has no solid form.

It seems to have the ability to shape shift to multiple forms. Or perhaps different people experience it in different ways.

Even in tales as modern as the Harry Potter series, we find reflections of the original hallows in the symbols of the houses of Hogwarts: the stone in Slytherin’s ring, Huffelpuff’s cup, and Gryffindor’s sword (but the spear is conspicuously missing — Ravenclaw’s symbol is a diadem).

Though, in the final book, the Deathly Hallows are represented by the elder wand (a version of the spear) and the stone from Slytherin’s ring, with the unique addition of an invisibility cloak (perhaps representing the element of Ether).

  • The mystery of the four Sacred Hallows is a map to understanding who we are and our place in the universe. The Hallows can be seen as stepping stones on our path through this world and the Otherworlds.
  • The Faery Hallows are keys to using magic in your life — a pathway to order, balance, rhythm, and harmony. They increase access to right-brain consciousness and the Otherworlds, while also grounding us in the reality of physical life on Earth.
  • These Hallows are reminders of the living elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water with which we can communicate in love and respect. They are not here to serve us, nor are we here to serve them, but we can establish a mutually beneficial relationship with them.

Ancient Mythology of the Four Sacred Hallows

Cauldrons in Celtic LoreThe Grail is not a “thing” it is the wholeness and balance of all things, as represented by the four elements and four gifts of the faeries.

They are represented as follows:

Note: Multiple and varied streams of oral tradition have led to much confusion about our history and these ancient associations, but magic is a living practice and we are reinventing our traditions as we explore these mysteries. You may find different correspondences in other sources.

The only important thing is what works for you. As you walk the magical path, you will naturally discover your own alignment with the symbols, directions and elements. Placements of elements and Hallows may be different depending on where you live, and this information may or may not fit with what you have read or heard.

Always trust your inner knowing.

For our present purpose, we will touch on the most commonly accepted associations found in modern Celtic magical teachings. Some sources place Finias in the East and Gorias in the South, and the Sword may also be called the Sword of Truth, but what is important is the energetic essence of each, rather than the names and placements.

Sword of Light

The Sword of Light from the Faery City of Gorias in the East

Associated with:
The Element of Air

Imbolc & Ostara/Spring Equinox


Spear of Victory ©Bernadette Wulf

The Spear of Victory from the Faery City of Finias in the South

Associated with:
The Element of Fire
Beltane & Midsummer Solstice


Cauldron of Plenty ©Bernadette Wulf

The Cauldron of Plenty from the Faery City of Murias in the West

Associated with:
The Element of Water
Lughnasadh & Mabon/Autumn Equinox

Stone of Destiny Tara Hill Ireland ©Bernadette Wulf

The Stone of Destiny from the Faery City of Falias in the North

Associated with:
The Element of Earth

Samhain & Yule/Midwinter Solstice

Celtic cross - symbol of center & ether

The Crossroads — Celtic Cross

Associated with:
Faery Glen of Precious Stones
Center — Balance
Ether — Spirit — Energy — The Void

By finding balance between all four Hallows, directions and elements, we stand at the center of the crossroads. We are able to achieve inner harmony and connection with our Creative Source within and without.

You can use these symbols in meditation to enhance the creative energy of your magic. Held in balance they can become a portal to the Otherworlds.

See also Celtic Holidays and Calendars

Bernadette Wulf - Celtic Magic & Faery Lore Teacher

Faehallows School of Magic Director – Bernadette Wulf
Also offers Faery Reiki Attunements & Distant Reiki Healing Sessions — Visionary Art — Whole Plant Foods Nutrition Coaching — Intuitive Energy Healing — Magical-Life Coaching

E-mail Bernadette Wulf

To Learn More About Celtic Magic
and the Path of the Faery Hallows

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