How Real Magic Works
Real magic (often spelled magick or magik to distinguish it from card tricks and pulling rabbits out of hats) is all about using your i-magi-nation to change your consciousness — “the art of changing consciousness at will,” as Dion Fortune put it.
When your consciousness attains inner harmony, you can manifest whatever you want in life — but there is a catch.
You won’t always get what you want, unless you learn how to elicit the cooperation of your subconscious mind!
Ancient people knew all about Law of Attraction, but they noticed that sometimes it didn’t seem to work! Have you noticed that too?
The key word here is SEEM, because in truth it IS always working.
- Our ancestors discovered long ago that there is a part of us that sometimes blocks our conscious intentions.
- We now call it the subconscious or unconscious mind.
- They knew that they had to get this part (that controls over 90% of our actions) to support their conscious goals.
- They discovered that the subconscious responds to symbols and rituals — the natural language of the subconscious mind.
- Using symbols and rituals, they developed what we now call ritual “magic” as a way to communicate with the subconscious.
Practical “Gray Magic” & High “White Magic” Are Two Ways to Focus the Same Energy
Practical Magic is all about shifting your consciousness in order to make changes in your earthly life and in the world. It is used to attract things like money, love, jobs, homes, and other useful things in life.
- High Magic, on the other hand, is concerned with spiritual growth and awakening. It can also help you attract the good things in life, simply because you will be more aligned with positive thoughts and feelings.
However, the ultimate goal is to transform your inner “lead into gold,” so to speak — to expand your consciousness and enhance your connection with your Higher Self or All That Is.
Celtic mythology and Arthurian lore is full of magical references and secret instructions for magical initiation
Magic was kept secret for thousands of years in the Mystery Schools of various cultures. But the secrets are now available to anyone who is willing to learn how to use them.
It’s part of the birthing of the New Earth.
- You can think of real magic as the practice of combining Law of Attraction with cutting-edge psychology, epigenetic “biology of belief,” and the power of symbols, rituals and imagination.
- Magic can open doors to realities you never dreamed possible.
- Your life will become a Magical Mystery Adventure!
Through Magic you Can Live in the New Earth Reality NOW!
Sign Up for the Celtic Mystery School Magical Foundation Course
Using Real Magic in Your Life
Can you actually change your life with magic?
The very word brings up images of wands and cauldrons, witches on broomsticks and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, but in reality it is simply the use of your imagination combined with positive feelings, plus tried-and-true methods of engaging your subconscious mind.
Most of us have been taught to distrust our imagination. We’ve all been told things like, “Imagination isn’t real,” as a way of invalidating our inner perceptions.
Yet, your imagination is the most powerful tool you will ever have to change your reality.
When you use imagination to focus on something, it WILL come to you sooner or later. It is Universal Law — whether it is something you want or don’t want.
How Real Magic Works
- Practical Magic is the CONSCIOUS use of imagination to make changes in your external life.
- High Magic is the CONSCIOUS use of imagination to make changes in your inner life.
- When you fully realize that you attract whatever you focus your attention on, you take the first step on the path of the Mage (the Persian word for magician).
- Instead of allowing your thoughts to run rampant, you start to pay attention to what you think about and especially to how you feel.
- You learn as much as you can about Law of Attraction and how it works, including how your feelings indicate the positive or negative direction of your thoughts.
- You learn to communicate with your subconscious mind in its own language of ritual, symbol, rhythm and rhyme.
Feel the Magic!
According to the Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction teachings, your feelings are the most important signal of whether you are attracting what you want or what you don’t want.
“There is nothing more important than that you feel good.” — Abraham
- When you are feeling positive, you are aligned with Creative Life Energy (God-Goddess, Source, Oneness, All-That-Is, the Universe, or any number of other names).
- Whatever name you want to call it, there is a Universal Energy that responds to your every thought!
- You are aligned with that Energy and open to receiving what you want when you feel:
But when you get caught up in doubt, despair, anger, hate, fear, or any other negative emotion, you shut yourself off from all the things you have wished for — even though they are already waiting for you in the etheric realm.
Most of us have deeply ingrained limiting beliefs and habits of negative thinking that we may not even be consciously aware of. The amazing (and sometimes frustrating) thing is that the Universe will give us whatever we believe, whether we are conscious of our beliefs or not!
That is why magic is so useful. Magic is a pathway through the landscape of your subconscious fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs. Magic allows you to suspend belief long enough to create real changes in your life!
It only takes 17 seconds, according to Abraham-Hicks.
Take a Magical Leap of Faith!

If you don’t believe in magic, the Universe will supply you with ample “proof” that it does not exist.
So you have to take a leap of faith even to allow the possibility that magic could exist and work for you.
It helps to listen to other people who have been successful at using magic in their own lives, but you won’t even notice them unless your mind is open to magical possibilities.
Once you take that leap of faith by opening your mind, you will begin to find proof of magic everywhere you look.
Scientific Proof of Magic
Quantum physics now supports the reality of magic!
Laboratory experiments have proved that our thoughts affect the outcome we perceive. The expectations of experimenters shape the results of their experiments, but this information is not really new. It has been taught in the Mystery Schools for thousands of years, kept secret from the general public.
See the film What the Bleep Do We Know for a fun introduction to Quantum physics.
What About Dark or “Black Magic?”
Even though “defense against the dark arts” gives the Harry Potter stories much of their drama, there is really no need in real life to defend against dark magic. Dark magic is simply the attempt to influence someone else against their will, often by use of fear.
Through the power of suggestion, dark magicians try to tap into the subconscious beliefs of their victims and trigger their self-sabotage mechanisms. But you can only be affected by someone else if you buy into their beliefs or stories.
Keep your vibration high and you will be immune to any negative influences. The Universal Law of Attraction is always at work and you can only attract what matches your vibration.
When you focus on negative things, even subconsciously, you lower your vibration and you can indeed create horrible realities for yourself — but not for anyone else.
And nobody else can cause anything to be attracted to you. Everyone has the option of attracting whatever they choose to focus on.
You can be affected by negative experiences ONLY by focusing on something negative, either consciously or subconsciously. It never comes from someone else, unless you accept or believe someone else’s reality.
We All Have a Dark Side
Of course, we all have our own dark side — painful memories, fears, shadows, and false beliefs lurking in our subconscious minds. That is why we use grounding and shielding rituals in magical work and seek to attain a healthy balance of “dark and light” in our daily lives.
Grounding and shielding are rituals that the subconscious mind understands and accepts.
What we call “dark” is simply that which is hidden from our conscious awareness. In psychology we call it the subconscious. In some religions it may be called “Satan” or “evil,” but in truth, it is nothing more than the misunderstood and repressed aspects of ourselves that we have shoved away into dark corners of our consciousness.
Darkness is nothing to fear. Like everything else, it only needs to be understood and loved. Turn on the light!
Trust Your Intuition!
Think for yourself. Trust your own feelings — your own internal guidance system as Abraham-Hicks calls it. We live in a safe, supportive universe. There is nothing to fear.
If you allow it (and even if you don’t), everything in the universe will conspire to uplift you and make your life a dream come true.
Believe it and you will see amazing things unfolding in your life. Share it and you will see changes happening all around you. We have the power to consciously shape our world and create Paradise on Earth.
There will always be those who don’t understand or believe in their own power to change reality. They may be creating their own miserable experiences all around you, but you can create a wonderful life right in the midst of them.
No matter if there is war, famine, mass destruction, or economic collapse surrounding you, it is in your power to create a bubble of peace, abundance, and joy that will radiate out into the world and actually shift the balance toward a more positive experience for everyone you meet — if they are open to it.
Share the Magic
There is nothing at all wrong with using magic to attract your own “selfish” desires, but real fulfillment comes when you share magic with others and they begin to understand that they too have the power to shape their reality.
Imagine a world where everyone knows they can have the life of their dreams! There is no need to fight or kill or steal. Everything we ask for is given!
This vision is what motivates me to share what I know about magic. I want everyone to know that they can be safe and secure, and that their every wish can come true. There is nothing more thrilling than seeing people take on their own power to shape reality!
What About Magic & Religion? Are they compatible?
Read All About Magic & Religion!
E-mail Bernadette Wulf
Director of Faehallows School of Magic
Sign Up for the Celtic Mystery School Magical Foundation Course
We hold the world in balance (or out of balance)
through our own state of Being.
And that’s really what Magic is all about.