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Merlin’s Prosperity Magic!

Has COVID Kicked Your Ass?

Merlin Wants to Help!

Merlin's Prosperity Magic!

  • Are you feeling stressed and battered by recent world events?
  • Does the future look a lot more challenging than you really want to face?
  • Are you worried about all the predictions of financial collapse and food shortages – and maybe even another lockdown when the Delta variant or some other pandemic hits?
  • Do you wonder if there really is a way to manifest all the abundance you want?
  • Are you ready for the freedom of unlimited Prosperity?

Merlin to the Rescue!

What if Merlin can show you how to enjoy the peace and prosperity of the Magical Isle of Avalon right here and now?

That’s what he’s telling me he wants to do for you – and for me, because COVID kicked my ass pretty hard too!

Fortunately, I know that I can always prosper, no matter what lockdowns, upheavals and economic downturns may come along – and so can you.

After all, who knows more about Magic and Manifesting than Merlin?

To prosper is:

  • To be fortunate or successful, especially in terms of one’s finances
  • To thrive in health, wealth & happiness
  • To be successful; succeed; thrive; advance or improve in any good thing: said of persons
  • To be in a successful state: turn out fortunately or happily: said of affairs, business, and the like

Merlin's Prosperity MagicSound like just what you’re looking for?

Join Merlin, Nimue’ (the Lady of the Lake) and me in a series of Five Live Interactive Guided Shamanic Journey Sessions designed to activate your personal prosperity.

The journeys will be presented in live Zoom calls. If you can’t make the live sessions, they will be recorded so you can journey later – or repeat each journey as often as you like.

  • You will visit your own secret cave of treasures
  • Meet your personal dragon ally
  • Align with the Money Deva
  • Connect with Nimue’s Feminine Financial Flow
  • Tap into the infinite abundance of the Faery Realm
  • Enlist the help of your guides and spirit animals to enhance your prosperity

In addition to weekly group shamanic journeys each Saturday, you will learn how to use energy healing tools to clear your prosperity blocks and break through your “glass money ceiling.”

Along with Merlin and Nimue’ you will be working with your own guides and spirit animals to activate your inner prosperity magnet.

This stuff really works! Prosperity Magic is all about the energy!

Recent events may have shaken your confidence and knocked your high vibrations down a few notches, but that’s just a sign that it’s time to renew, regenerate and reconnect with the prosperity that is your birthright.

Working with a group will supercharge the process!

The Hopi Elders have listed “Four Easy Steps for Surviving the coming Earth Changes and all the Prophecies”

1. Keep your eyes open
2. Let go of fear
3. Learn all you can
4. Live your spirituality

Let’s do it together!

Merlin's Prosperity MagicSure, you could do all this inner work on your own, but it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun and probably wouldn’t be half as effective. There is something about a group mastermind energy that really gets things moving when you want to manifest anything – in this case prosperity.

There is a reason Merlin gave me a topaz gemstone years ago in one of my shamanic journeys. It is the gemstone that is said to attract wealth and prosperity!

He must have known that he was going to keep bugging me until I got around to offering this course. Well, now’s the time.

Sign Up for Merlin’s Prosperity Magic Here!



Money Magic! E-bookSpecial Bonus: My Money Magic – 90 Days to Prosperity E-book – a $10 value (Also available in paperback from Amazon)


Welcome to the New Normal!

Life on planet Earth is changing fast and there will be no going “back to normal.” A New Reality is breaking through and it is calling us forward.

The question is whether you will go forward into the doomsday scenarios that are so frequently portrayed in the media, or into a whole new reality that has long been predicted by wise seers as a Golden Age for humanity.

The choice is yours!

It is Merlin’s mission, and mine, to help bring this Golden Age into our Earth reality. One very important way we can do this is by helping people align with the infinite prosperity of their Inner Being. This is a key element in the manifestation of the New Earth.

Are you ready for it?

Merlin's prosperity magic guided shamanic journeysJoin me for Five Live Shamanic Journeys plus Energy Clearing Sessions

  • Dates: 5 Saturdays from August 7th through September 4th
  • Time: 10am – Noon Pacific time (calls may be a bit longer or shorter depending on how many people are participating)
  • Location: Live Zoom calls – recorded for those who want to repeat journeys or who cannot attend live

The rainbow always comes after a storm.

It’s time to find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Sign Up for Merlin’s Prosperity Magic Here!

Only $79 for five sessions – Save $21 when you sign up for all five at one time.


If you prefer to pay for one session at a time, drop me an email and I will send you a monthly invoice. The cost of a single session is $20 – E-mail Bernadette Wulf