What’s So Special About Celtic Magic?
Out of all the mystery schools of the world, the Celtic magical path is firmly rooted in a “shamanic” connection with the faery realm and a deep understanding of the living forces of Nature.
Faeries are active participants in all the Celtic and Arthurian myths and legends passed down from our ancestors. When we ground our magical practice with such deep roots in the Otherworlds and the faery realm, it allows us to expand our consciousness in a more balanced way — out to the far reaches of the cosmos.
Your external experience will always reflect your inner reality.
When you expand inwardly, your outer experience will also expand. You will feel more freedom, balance, and joy as you align with your Center — the Spirit of Life.
Benign guides, ancestors, angels, power animals, plant & mineral spirits, and even faeries, gods and goddesses will be your support network. They can become your trusted companions and protectors if you invite them into your awareness and develop a reciprocal relationship with them.
As above, so below — when you explore the mysteries of Earth’s Underworld and Faerie realms, you will discover your connection with the expansive Overworlds of stars, Sun and Moon, angels, and the realms of sky goddesses and gods.
The laws of Nature always guide the process of Magic.
We do not seek to change or control Nature, but rather to align with it so perfectly that we become part of the synergistic and synchronistic flow of all creation. The more we align the more smoothly our lives will flow — magic at its best!
What is a Celtic Mystery School?

In the past, magical knowledge was strictly guarded. Magical initiates kept magic to themselves in order to protect this powerful wisdom from improper use by unscrupulous people.
They studied the mysterious and magical laws of the universe in secret. That is why their gatherings were called mystery schools.
Their wisdom still survives today, in spite of witch trials, book burnings, and persecution over many centuries.
Even though the Celts did not believe in writing down their knowledge, they hid their secrets in the legends and myths they shared by word of mouth.
These myths may appear to be nothing more than entertaining stories to most, but they are recognized by seers and magicians as secret pathways to other realities, full of hidden truths.
In the Celtic tradition, the best known of these myths today are the Arthurian legends. Though they were written down in the Middle Ages, they evolved from much older oral stories.
Does Celtic Shamanism Even Exist?
Technically, the answer is no. The word Shamanism comes from a non-Celtic Asian culture.
However, some well-respected magical teachers, most notably John and Caitlin Matthews and Tom Cowan refer to their work as Celtic Shamanism.
Though “shamanism” is an Asian word (and its use could be construed as cultural appropriation), I don’t know of an English word that conveys the same readily recognizable meaning of journeying between the worlds to bring back wisdom from the Otherworlds. So I tend to use it with the addition of quotes.
Certainly the ancient Celts were adept at “shamanic” journeys in the Otherworlds, as the myths and legends they have passed down to us will attest!
They told long stories that went on for hours, leading the listeners into a deep guided trance journey experience.
Whether you choose to use the words “shamanic” or “shamanism,” or not, you can certainly enrich your life by learning how to journey in the Otherworlds.
That is why the lessons in the Faehallows Magic courses always include guided visualization journeys that I think of as “shamanic” journeys. Even so, I don’t feel comfortable calling my work “Celtic shamanism.”
- Learn how to contact ancestors, gods and goddesses, faeries, and nature spirits.
- Gather your own wisdom and discover how Celtic lore speaks to you as you follow the paths already laid out in the myths by the ancestors.
- Weave magick into your life and discover the life adventure and purpose you came here to experience.
- No matter which sort of magic you choose, it is all about how you weave it into your daily life.
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