Why Sign Up for an Online School of Magic?
With the advent of the Internet, magical teachings can be sent anywhere in seconds. This is important, because more and more people, like you, are waking up to discover the reality of magic — or at least wondering about its possibilities.
There is a new hunger that needs to be filled and the world needs magic now more than ever!
- Are you tired of the materialistic reality that permeates our modern world?
- Do you long for something deeper and more meaningful, something rooted in ancient wisdom that supports the your Sovereignty — and that of of every individual?
- The Celtic Magical Path provides direct experience of spiritual realities and the benevolent beings that exist beyond the material realm.
It is time for all of us to wake up to these magical realities and become sovereign citizens of our multi-dimensional cosmos.

Immerse Yourself in Celtic Magical Traditions and Faery Lore
In the Faehallows School of Magic Foundation Course you will:
- Work with the Celtic wheel of the year, honoring the phases of the moon and the Cross Quarter Days (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltaine, Lughnasadh), Solstices, and Equinoxes.
- Explore the Otherworlds within the Celtic Tree of Life. Shamanic Traditions recognize these as Upper, Middle, and Lower worlds, including the faery realm. In the Celtic tradition they are known as Sea, Land and Sky and they are all connected.
- Dive into the rich mythology and lore passed down to us by our ancestors and hidden in myths and legends.
- Explore the deep wisdom of the Four Sacred Hallows of the Tuatha de Danaan.
- Work in the tradition of the Druids, Faeries, and Merlins.
- Learn to balance the relationship between human, animal, plant, elemental, and faery realms.
- Actively develop relationships with beings of the inner worlds. (Goddesses and Gods, Faeries, Guides, Spirit Animals, Ancestors, Elementals, Plant and Mineral Spirits)
If such ideas awaken a glimmer of inspiration in you, Faehallows Online School of Magic is for you!
Celtic Magic and Faery Lore is not for everyone. However, if you feel called to live the mysteries of Celtic Magic, we invite you to explore the mystery wisdom of the Celtic Faery tradition here at Faehallows School of Magic.
Click Here to Learn More About Faehallows Online School of Magic Foundation Course
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Faehallows Magical LOA Foundation Course
Magical Initiation – A Year-and-a-Day
Living the Mysteries of Celtic Magic and Faery Lore!
12 In-Depth Celtic Magic Lessons (monthly for one year and a day)
Also Includes:
- Monthly Guided Shamanic Journey Recordings – MP3 Downloads
- Unlimited E-mail Consultations
- Certificate of Completion by Request
Valued at $497 – NOW Only $297 for a One Year Course!
You Can Even Buy Now, Pay Later through PayPal
Need to manifest some money to afford this course?
Check out my Money Magic! E-Book – Also Available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle!