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Magical Community — Online Workshops

Live Interactive Magical Events at Faehallows School

Our Celtic Mystery School offers Online Interactive Zoom Workshops worldwide — and occasional In-person Magical Rituals and Study Groups in Sonoma County, California

All Faehallows Upcoming Events are now posted on my Portal Site:

WulfWorks Events

Past Workshop Recordings are available here on the Portal Site:

Enjoy interacting with a supportive community of amazing magical people who share your interest in Celtic magical traditions, faeries, Arthurian lore and guided shamanic journeys — all led by “the journey expert,” Bernadette Wulf.

Don’t Miss Our Upcoming Magical Events

Join my Workshop mailing list for event updates and notifications

Magical Events Typically Offered by Faehallows School of Magic 

  • Magical Events at Faehallows School of MagicFrequent Zoom workshops on:
      • Faery lore
      • Celtic “Shamanic” Journeys
      • Mythic Path-working
      • Faery Reiki
      • Celtic Gods & Goddesses
      • Merlin
      • Ladies of the Lake
      • Arthurian lore
      • Nature Spirits
      • Otherworld Allies: Animals, Plants and more
      • Magical Activism with the Faeries
      • …other Celtic magical themes
  • Occasional rituals to celebrate seasonal holidays and important events
  • In-person: Celtic lore study group (taking a break)

Email Bernadette Wulf for more information

Visit Our Upcoming Events Page (on my Portal Site)

Magic Courses   –   Faery Card Readings