Our Faehallows Mission

Faehallows School of Magic shares ancient Celtic traditions that enhance:
- personal spiritual growth
- understanding of universal laws
- community engagement
- a commitment to Nature and planetary healing
- harmony with the wisdom of the faery realm
We know you are here for the magic!
Our school emphasizes a deep connection to Celtic magical traditions, faery lore, and personal awareness. We offer online courses covering disciplines such as magical rituals and lore, Celtic mythology, alchemy, herbology, astrology, and manifestation, all rooted in timeless Celtic traditions.

Manifesting a New Earth with Merlin
A significant aspect of our curriculum is “Merlin’s Path.” It’s a ten-month course that delves into Arthurian lore. It teaches students how to open portals to Avalon, connect with the healing energy of the faery realm, and work closely with Merlin to align both personal life and the broader world with harmony. Join Merlin’s mission of bringing in the New Earth through the magic of Camelot!
Magical Community
Faehallows fosters community through live interactive Zoom workshops. These include New Moon and Full Moon Kinship Circles, plus celebrations of the Celtic year’s cycle of solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days with guided shamanic journeys. Our live Zoom gatherings aim to help participants tap into the power of moon cycles, meet ancient mythic beings, and connect with each other and the wisdom of the faery realm. Join our Magical Circle Membership
Underlying all of our offerings is a belief in the transformative power of ancient Celtic wisdom and faery magic to uplift individuals and the planet. Our school encourages students to connect with their inner magic, align with the cycles of nature, and collaborate with faery beings to co-create a harmonious and prosperous world.
A Magical Foundation
When you sign up for our Magical Foundation Course, you’ll meet Professor Moonfeather, our head teacher. He will guide you through the lessons and add a bit of fun to our serious mission!