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Merlin's Path — Camelot & Faery Magic of Avalon

Merlin’s Path Arthurian Magic Course — Change Your Reality!

  • Who is Merlin?
  • What are his origins?
  • Were there multiple Merlins?
  • Why is he such a compelling figure even today?
  • What was his plan for Arthur and Camelot?
  • Why are the Grail and the Sacred Sword so central to the lore?
  • And most important for you, how can Merlin help you uplift your life, commune with the faery realm, and activate a magical new reality for yourself and planet Earth.

Young MerlinWhat You Can Expect in the Course 

You will be exploring the world of Merlin, Morgan le Fay, King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, the Lady of the Lake, the faery priestesses of Avalon and so much more in this deep dive into the Arthurian saga.

  • Discover secret wisdom and magic hidden in the lore, for those who have eyes to see it.
  • Create your own personal link with the faery realm through the portal of Avalon.
  • Learn how to recognize who are the faeries in the stories and who are the humans, and who may be a bit of each.
  • Each month you will experience a new recorded MP3 guided shamanic journey into the realms of Camelot and Avalon to meet the enduring spirits of Merlin, Nimue’, Arthur and many other principle players. You will also be able to choose who you want to contact.
  • Discover Merlin’s plan for Arthur and a new world of harmony and equality as embodied in Camelot with support from the faery realm.
  • Find out the source of Merlin’s magic in his mysterious origins.

A Ten Month Course

Merlin — Magic Card (available on in the Arthurian Magic Tarot Deck, by Bernadette Wulf
From Arthurian Magic Tarot Deck, by Bernadette Wulf—Available on (click card image)

A new lesson will be sent out each month for 10 months. You will receive:

  • messages from Merlin
  • instructions for safely contacting faeries
  • magical lore & practices
  • rituals, altars, enchantments
  • Arthurian historical perspectives
  • connection with the faeries of Avalon
  • recorded MP3 guided visualization journeys
  • and a whole lot more

Sign Up for Merlin’s Path Arthurian Magic Course Here!

A $347 Value — Now Only $197 Today!



Follow the Path of Your Soul

Take a moment to tune in to your own soul path and see if it feels aligned with the Merlin’s Path Faery Magic Course.

Does the idea of activating a new reality on planet earth thrill you? Have you always been fascinated with faeries?

Do you feel drawn to Merlin, Morgan le Fay, Arthur, Camelot, Avalon, or any of the other aspects of Arthurian lore?

If so, that is your soul resonating with this information.

Of course you can explore it on your own by delving into the overwhelming mass of literature on the subject, but that could take decades.

Or you can come along and enjoy the ride with us. We will have lots of fun and amazing discoveries along the way!

Sign Up for Merlin’s Path Arthurian Magic Course!

A $347 Value – Now Only $197 Today!