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Trance-form Your Life Guided Shamanic Journeys

Personal Guided Shamanic Journeys to Trance-form Your Life

  • One-on-One Unique Guided Shamanic Journeys just for you — Trance Journeys in the Celtic Otherworlds
  • Including Magical Rituals & Life Coaching

Magical Activism - Trance-form your life, guided shamanic journeys

Get the Answers You Need from Your Inner Guides, Spirit Animals and Faery Allies

Awaken your dormant Magical gifts and redirect your life with personally-guided Trance Journeys and rituals to anchor your newfound wisdom.

We will journey together in the Otherworlds to find the answers and experiences you seek.

A Celtic Path-working Initiation!

This very special program includes:

  • Meeting your Inner Guides
  • Learning how to safely journey in the Otherworlds
  • Exploring the Upper, Lower, and Middle worlds and where to go to get information or have your questions answered
  • 6 Guided Trance Journey Sessions with interpretations (once per week, or month, or your choice)
  • Personal rituals to deepen your magical practice and anchor the wisdom gained in your journey in the practical world
  • Unlimited email support
  • Available worldwide by Zoom, Skype, or Phone

Bernadette Wulf - director of Faehallows School of MagicFaehallows School of Magic director Bernadette Wulf, “the journey expert,” will guide you through your own personal Celtic Trance Journeys in the mythical Otherworlds once a week, once a month, or whenever it works for you.

You can also schedule your sessions for full moons, new moons, cross-quarter, or quarter high-holiday times to tap into those energies.

How Celtic Path-working Works

Based on what is going on in your life and what you want to create for yourself, you can seek guidance, ask questions, or just explore the Otherworlds with the help of your Inner Guides.

  • Explore magical paths laid out by our ancient ancestors
  • Choose to meet a particular guide or deity
  • Connect with allies in the faery realm
  • Get to know your spirit animals
  • Ask for guidance from your ancestors
  • Meet with beings of myth and legend
  • Find answers to your questions and receive guidance from your own secret source of infinite wisdom

    horse animal spirit guide

Guided Trance Journeys in the Otherworlds

“Shamans” have been traveling in the Otherworlds for millennia, bringing back truths and healing for their people.

Though the word “shaman” is not from the Celtic culture, the practice of journeying in the Otherworlds was widely practiced in the form of long oral stories that led listeners into a deep trance.

In our time, those types of journeys are commonly called shamanic journeys.

Learn to journey in a safe and balanced process with guided visualizations

Afterward, we will create a ritual together to ground the experience in your physical life. Of course, you will always be the one to choose where you want to go, who you meet, and how you want to create the rituals. It is your journey. I will act as your facilitator.

Shamanic journey cat sprit guideOf course there are also Celtic Trance Journeys included in our Foundation Course. Merlin’s Path and Brigit’s Path Courses. Many people have told me how profound they were.

Imagine how profound they will be when they are created specifically for you and personally guided!

My personal trance journey experience

 I can’t even begin to express how much Trance Journeys have transformed my life in a positive way. My mind has expanded far beyond what I ever would have thought possible, and I continue to learn more all the time. Now that I know how to journey to commune with my guides, power animals, faeries, and more, I never feel alone or lost in the muggle world. I am always “home.”  I want to share this wonderful experience with you. — Bernadette Wulf

Sign Up for Trance-form Your Life Sessions

6 Trance-form Your Life Sessions! Sessions are usually about 60 minutes – only $55.50 per session (my coaching sessions are usually $150.00 each, so you get a $900.00 value for only 333.00!)

This is a very special deal offered only to my magical clan – because you are the ones I love to work with most! My coaching sessions are usually $150 each!

6 Sessions – Only $333.00

Available in person or by phone, Zoom, or Skype

Contact Bernadette Wulf – Email