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Your Book of Shadows

Faehallows Magical Blog

Partly re-blogged from:

What is a Book of Shadows?

You might have seen old Books of Shadows (BOS) in movies and tv-series (like Charmed) where the book is filled with spells and information about almost anything a witch might need. There is a really cool Book of Shadows in Discovery of Witches that contains the origins of witches, vampires and demons.

As much fun as those fictional books may be, your own Book of Shadows will probably be a lot more practical.

A Book of Shadows is a book you use to write down your spells and other rituals you want to remember. It should be handwritten, but we’ll get into that in a moment. Your BOS is a sacred tool. It’s an item of power and you should take good care of it. Just like you would with any other magickal tool.

Read more about the Book of Shadows

My Experience

Book of Shadows

I like the Moonlight Shop. They sell fun magical necklaces and sometimes have interesting blog posts to share. This one on how to start your book of shadows was particularly good.

It has always been a question in my mind whether to keep my magical notes in a regular spiral notebook, or write them in a fancy, “special” book of shadows.

I tend to have numerous spiral notebooks with my magical notes mixed with random musings, channeled messages, and quotes from various workshops.

Truth be told, I have never been very organized about keeping track of it all… at least not until I got a zip-up 3-ring binder. Now I just pull out all my notebook pages about magical stuff and keep them together in the binder.

Someday, when I have a lot of spare time, I would love to copy all the best workings, insights, spells, and messages from my inner journeys into a beautiful book like they sell at the Moonlight Shop.

I like the idea of it, but it doesn’t feel important enough to make it happen right away. I’m too busy creating new lessons and workshops… and all the fun graphics that go with them.

What about you?

Is a fancy Book of Shadows an important item in your magical work?

If so, or even if not, you might want to read the blog post from the Moonlight Shop before you get started on yours.