Journey with Me to the Elven Realm!
This is a recorded workshop featuring shamanic journeys to the elven realm that you can listen to in your own time or download to your computer.
- Have you always loved fairytales about elves?
- Did reading about elves in Tolkien’s Hobbit books or seeing the elves in Lord of the Rings movies trigger a longing for something that is missing in your life?
- Or maybe you have memories from your own ancient past — memories of your time in Elfland.
It may seem too far away to reach, but Elfland is not far away at all. It exists in a dimension slightly less dense than our human world and it is always right here overlapping with our human reality. We can step into it easily by shifting our focus and raising our vibration.
As we learn to connect with the elves more and more, we can open the way for our worlds to merge together as they once did so very long ago.
In a Forest of Light!
“The Elven haven’t made an appearance yet on your Earth plane because they’re not sure that the human world is ready for them. In their time in Lemuria, the Elven society was the first to vibrate on another level of consciousness, and they opened up their own world, which was so similar to yours.
“Oh yes, my friends, not another planet, but another world, another dimension. Their dimension looks almost exactly as yours does, with a few exceptions. Their skies are clear all of the time. Their atmosphere holds nothing that they wouldn’t love to breathe and their waterways are pristine and perfected.
“If you want to know where this world is, then open your heart and jump through the dimensions with me. You will see a forest of light. In that forest are grandfather trees thousands of years old. As you approach this beautiful forest, and cross this rolling green plateau of grass and flowers, the fragrance gets stronger. Walk through the trees until you come to this huge, huge tree that stands over a hundred feet in height. It will bend down and touch your face with its leafy branches, and invite you to the world of the Elven society. [ ]
“That’s the world you’re headed for. A Great Shift in Consciousness is occurring, and one day your world will look like the Elven world I’ve described. Your world will be built in nature itself, for Gaia will stand with you and give you all that you need and more.” – Master Guide Kirael
Master Guide Kirael’s words fill me with hope and wonder.
How about you?
We Are Calling in the New Earth from the Elven Realm
Kirael is describing the New Earth that many of us are bringing forward into our lives even now. The more we connect with the beautiful reality of the elven/faery realms the more we activate the New Earth in our own lives and in the human world around us.
We don’t have to wait for the rest of humanity to catch up. We can choose to welcome in the elven reality now.
Are you ready?
Meet your elven allies
- Explore the exquisite beauty of the elven realm
- Learn how to connect with the elves whenever you like
- Feel how to sense the presence of elves when you are out in Nature
- Bring the New Earth reality into your life in co-creation with your elven kin
When: Recorded Zoom Workshop – Listen at your leisure or download it to your computer
Exchange: $47
Now only $20!
Your Elfland Journey Guide
Hello! I’m Bernadette Wulf founder of Faehallows School of Magic. I’ll be your guide as we visit the beautiful land of elves.
Many years ago, as a teenager, I read Tolkien’s descriptions of elves and something stirred in my heart. It awakened a distant memory of my life with the elves so long ago, yet still so close.
I recognized a truth that filled me with wonder and a longing that has remained to this day, quite a few decades later. I have spent a lifetime learning how to reconnect with our kin on the other side of “the veil,” as some like to call it. The Otherworlds are now as real to me as the material reality we all share.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone could experience these magical Otherworld realities? I think so. As more and more of us tune in to the Otherworld realms, we create pathways of light for others to follow.
We open portals through which the New Earth can appear in the human world. What could be more uplifting for us, or more important for our world?
I hope you will join me in this very special excursion into the heart of Elfland to meet our elven kin.