Three Purposes of Magic
The three most important purposes of magic are:
- Personal and planetary healing — which can be quite profound! This includes creating bridges of understanding between the human, faery, angelic, animal, plant and mineral realms
- Exploration of realities beyond the physical world — commune with ancient gods and goddesses, faeries, elves, ancestors, animal guides and angels, as well as the spirit realms of plants and minerals
- Manifesting new uplifted realities — Law of Attraction dictates that what you focus upon will become your reality. When you focus internally on expanding your freedom, wisdom, love, and joy, you magically shift your external reality in the same direction. Life gets better and better! It really does. You can create Paradise on Earth with the help of your guides and the beings of the faery realm.
The Practice of Magick

Magical practice teaches you how to focus your thoughts and feelings in order to shift your life experience in positive ways.
You will explore your dark shadows as well as the bright lights of your inner reality and bring back treasures hidden there.
These treasures make you more balanced and whole, because they are actually parts of yourself that you have forgotten, suppressed, or misplaced.
Here’s what my inner shaman told me about magick:
Magic is about knowing yourself. It has nothing to do with manipulating the external world.
The magic is already inside of you and your work is to align with the reality of harmony and the flow that already exists.
There are infinite realities within you. Magic is about making a conscious choice to align with the realities that fit your best interests. As you change your consciousness, the whole world changes.
Activating a New Reality for Planet Earth
Faeries, elves and nature spirits hold the templates of Nature and the New Earth Reality that is finally beginning to emerge on planet Earth.
We can learn a lot from the elves and faeries about how to bring harmony to our world, since they have already achieved it in their world.
I invite you to join me in activating this New Reality of Paradise on Earth — for yourself and for all beings on our planet.
It is not about “manifesting” anymore. The New Earth is already here.
Now it is time for us to activate it in our own lives — to bring in the New Reality of harmony, cooperation, prosperity, and compassion for all beings. I call it the New Camelot!
It is time for us to step into Paradise right here and now.
Are you ready? Let’s DO it!
A great way to get started is Faehallows Magical Foundation Course