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Have you been yearning for more magic in your life?

Learn How To Tap Into Your Inner Magic and Connect With Your Spirit Guides and Faery Allies

Faehallows Foundation CourseYour Magical Initiation — Where Traditional Celtic Mystery Wisdom & Faery Magic Meets Law of Attraction! 

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What Led You to this Online Celtic Magic School?

Magical initiation - foundation course Celtic magic school online

You are not here by accident.

Have you been:

  • looking for the missing magic in your life?
  • longing to live in the uplifting reality of the New Earth?
  • wanting more fulfillment than an ordinary muggle life has to offer?
  • sensing that you have hidden powers that you want to explore?
  • feeling that faeries, ancestors, and Otherworld beings have answers to your deep questions about life?
  • wanting to connect with a magical community with deep, ancient roots?
  • having a feeling of emptiness that only Magic can fill?

Whatever your reason, you’ve come to the right place!

A feeling of emptiness often means that you have mastered 3D reality, pretty much.

Celtic magic school onlineThis is a GOOD thing, believe it or not.

It feels weird, doesn’t it? So many things that used to seem important may no longer hold your interest. You might even feel like you have hit a dead-end, but I promise you are not even close to the end.

In fact, this is only the beginning of an amazing new adventure!

You are probably someone who already knows how to manifest the basics you need in life, but you sense that there is so much more to explore. Now you are ready to expand to wider vistas. Your soul is remembering and calling you to step into a whole new and exciting reality.

Are you ready to experience the freedom and sovereignty of your own magical mastery?

Our lives are meant to be magical, awesome and fun

We are powerful creators of our own life experience. You have already sensed this potential in yourself, or you would not be reading this.

I love sharing the Magical Mysteries with those who choose to live a magical life, because I want as many people as possible to discover the freedom and joy of knowing how amazing they really are.

Consciously working with the Law of Attraction fits perfectly into the context of Celtic magic. The more I work with Celtic Magic combined with Law of Attraction, the more I am convinced that it is a profound path to healing, joy, and unlimited abundance for anyone who is open to it.

Leap into the Living Magic of Freedom & Bliss
Your life will never be mundane again!

I made this WordCloud from the most used words in my student’s feedback emails. I love how it captures the spirit of Faehallows School of Magic!

Celtic Magic Course Student Feedback word cloud

Boost the power of your visualizations and deepen your understanding of the Law of Attraction! This Magical Law of Attraction Online Foundation Course will give you all the tools you need.

Take the next step today. Your life will never be the same!

Are you ready to experience the freedom and sovereignty of your own magical mastery?

Join Us at Faehallows School of Magic!Faehallows Foundation Course

Making the World More Magical Since 2008

Magical Initiation — A Year-and-a-Day
Living the Mysteries of Celtic Magic and Faery Lore!

12 In-Depth Celtic Magic Lessons (monthly for one year)

Also Includes:

Monthly Recorded Shamanic Journeys

Unlimited E-mail Consultations

Certificate of Completion by Request

Valued at $497 – NOW Only $297 for a One Year Course!

Buy Magic Course

You Can Even Buy Now, Pay Later through PayPal

Or use the link below to choose 12 Monthly Payments of $27 per month. (Two month trial starts at $57.) >>>Note: Be sure to Email Bernadette Wulf to let me know if you choose this option so I can add you to the auto-responder list manually. Please use this email link: Email Bernadette Wulf

Foundation Course Monthly Subscription

Money Magic! E-book

Short of money? Never Fear!

You’ll also get…

My Money Magic eBook as a BONUS!

This book will show you how to activate your magical money manifesting skills so you can easily afford this course — or even just pay your bills!


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Student Raves

“I think that magically and energetically the Goddess was demanding that I grow. However, I couldn’t grow properly until I regained my footing. Your magic course has helped me to do that. Today I am starting to do the work again and I am finding a huge difference in how it all feels and how it all works. So thank you.” —  C.L.

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Why Do You Belong Here at Faehallows School of Magic?

You Probably Feel a Bit “Different” from the Muggle Mainstream

You deeply love nature and have a sense that everything is alive and connected on an energetic level, and I’ll bet you have a vivid imagination and an empathic sensitivity to energy.

Celtic Magic School Online - Faehallows School of Magic - Celtic Mystery School - Art © Bernadette WulfOf course, you are naturally compassionate and seek to do no harm.

In short, you ARE different from the average person. You are a bit more aware — a bit more conscious — and certainly a bit more curious.

There is Magic running in your veins!

Because you are different, you have different desires and needs.

You want to:

  • know how energy works and how to align yourself harmoniously with Universal Laws
  • walk the hidden paths of the Otherworlds
  • learn the most efficient way to work with the Law of Attraction for manifesting joy, health, money, abundance, love, and well-being
  • live a life of ever-expanding adventure, freedom, discovery, prosperity, and creativity — both inwardly and outwardly
  • explore the ancient Celtic roots of magic that include the faery realm and the Otherworlds that are woven into the mythologies of Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland and parts of Europe
  • find your own purpose and help others find their own path to joy

If that sounds like you, this Celtic Magic School Online Course is your portal to a magical life!


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More Student Raves

“I wanted to email you and tell you how imaginative and well written your lessons were.”  —  M. West

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“I was looking for magick and mystery because I have a sincere interest, but it seems for now, that this is myself that I must discover through magick. So, this course is not at all what I was expecting, but better.”  — Valerie

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Monthly E-mail Celtic Magic Course Lessons

In this Celtic magic school online virtual classroom you will learn everything you need to know to embark on your own magical journey. (Personal mentoring also available.)

Lessons are delivered monthly via email. The course is designed for the traditional year and a day initiation journey, though you can follow your intuition and take longer if you like.


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Even More Student Raves

Woman - online Celtic magic school“Thank you so much for all the wonderful lessons! …I work as a flight attendant and your lessons have lightened my loads many times. I too am just a messenger as I work mainly with Angels and Fairies on my flights. …the one encounter I want to share with you is with a Fairy!!!

“I had a one of a kind, swear on my life, moment, where I was so down and blue, as my boyfriend had just dumped me, via text, in Atlanta and a real live Fairy came on my plane!!!

Really Bernadette. She was dressed all in Green, had wings, little slippers, and gave me her card. Fairy Dust Ltd. All the passengers clapped and I was tickled pink since she gave me HOPE!!!! I am so fascinated with what I see. Looking forward to more exploration with the crop circles as I see them from up above and know they are messages for us. Thank you! Thank you for all you do!!!!”  —  Connie G.

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Student raves“Before taking your course, I had already read a few of [a well-known magical teacher’s] things, and had attempted otherworld journeys, with surprising success. I have to tell you, however, I found your journeys to be the most beautiful I have seen anywhere. I convinced my girlfriend to come on one with me last Imbolc, and at one point she involuntarily yelled out because of how real it actually was.

“…I do think your writing is very beautiful and I really am excited to get deeper into the mysteries. Thank you for doing your part in spreading such positive energies!”  —  Reykur

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What You Will Learn in this Celtic Magic Course

You won’t be turning turtles into teapots (we wouldn’t want to harm any turtles!), but you will learn:

  • The foundational practices of Grounding and Shielding to maintain safe balance in Magical Work
  • Use of Magical Tools in harmony with the Law of Attraction
    (wands, candles, crystals, sound, numerology, and more

online magic school

  • How to charge your magical tools to enhance their energy and effectiveness
  • How to take shamanic visualization journeys to meet real inner contacts (faeries, gods & goddesses, spirit guides, ancestors)
  • Harmonious ways of working with the Elementals (Spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) and the Four Directions as symbolized by the Four Sacred Faery Hallows
  • How to focus the Power of your Imagination, plus Visualization techniques that really work to attract what you want!
  • Earth Magic — Geomancy (Celtic feng shui), Crystals, and Faerie Magic of the Ancient Celts
  • Working with Devas, Angels, Faeries, Avalon, and the Tree of Life
  • Plant Magic — Herbology and Aromatherapy — for focusing Energy, healing and uplifting the soul
  • How to raise the “Cone of Power” to supercharge your Magic
  • Secrets hidden in Celtic Mythology
  • Sacred Alchemy and the Sexual Energy of transmutation
  • Traditional Celtic lore — goddesses, gods, trees, stones, seasonal calendars, animal guides
  • How modern science supports the use of Ritual and Symbol in Magic
  • How your Beliefs shape your Reality — and your DNA!

And you will discover much more in this year-long course of monthly magic lessons!

Magic is really about transforming yourself

When we change ourselves, we change everything. The world around us must change, because we are part of the whole. Our inner shifts of consciousness affect every level of our being, from our physical DNA to the expansive realities that appear to be outside of us. As Universal beings, we orchestrate our reality.

Faehallows School of Magic!

Faehallows Foundation Course

Making the World More Magical Since 2008!

Magical Initiation — A Year-and-a-Day
Living the Mysteries of Celtic Magic and Faery Lore!

12 In-Depth Celtic Magic Lessons (monthly for one year)

Also Includes:

  • Monthly Recorded Shamanic Journeys
  • Unlimited E-mail Consultations
  • Certificate of Completion by Request

Valued at $497 — NOW Only $297 for a Whole Year Celtic Magic Course!

Buy Magic Course

You Can Even Buy Now, Pay Later through PayPal

Or Use the link below to choose the 12 Monthly Payments Option — $27 per month. (Two month trial starts at $57.) >>>Note: If you choose the 12 month subscription plan, you will have to Email Bernadette Wulf to be added to the auto-responder list to get your lessons.

Foundation Course Monthly Subscription

***BONUS!*** Need help with your magical money manifesting skills so you can afford this course? You will also get a copy of my Money Magic! eBook. Put it into practice and you will never have to worry about money again.

Celtic magic school online - Bernadette Wulf - Director of Faehallows School of Magic - Celtic magic courseAbout Bernadette Wulf, Director of Faehallows School of Magic

In many ways, Celtic magic has saved my life, or at least made it a lot more joyfully alive in a way that I have not found anywhere else. That’s why I want share the wonder of a magical life with you.

It provides a context within which I can feel deeply rooted in earthly mysteries while expanding my consciousness to the far reaches of the Universe.

We hold the world in balance (or out of balance) through our own state of Being. And that’s really what true Magic is all about.

Please use this email link to contact us: Email Bernadette Wulf



Celtic Magic School Online - She Watches through the Veil © Bernadette Wulf

Have you always had a feeling that there is a lot more to life than most people realize?

  • Maybe you sensed that myths and fairy tales are doorways to truth
  • You may have loved stories about King Arthur, faeries, castles, elves, Merlin and Morgan le Fay — or anything having to do with magic.
  • You might have seen, heard, or felt faeries, or other beings that don’t fit into the normal view of reality

If so, this Celtic magic school online course is for you.

Did you feel like the Harry Potter books were written just for you — or maybe the Charmed TV series or the film Practical Magic triggered your interest?

Or perhaps you have studied ancient myths, folk tales, and legends in your quest for clues.

Whatever it was that brought you here, Welcome!

I can’t wait to see you inside.

Buy Magic Course


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