Are You Called to the Path of the Healer?
Learn Magical Energy Healing in 9 Months with the Celtic Goddess Brigit
Brigit’s Path Magical Healing is an immersive online course that has already helped many spiritual seekers discover their inner healing magic.
Unlike other healing courses, Brigit’s Path Magical Healing offers much more than just healing techniques — you’ll unlock your innate magical abilities, experience profound personal transformation, and discover a new perspective on holistic wellness.
Brigit’s Path Magical Healing Course opens the doors to Healing with Energy & Plant Spirits
Do you ever wish you knew how to:
- help yourself and others using energy healing techniques?
- choose the right herbs and flower remedies?
- use shamanic healing techniques?
- make your own magical flower essences?
- or simply live a healthier and more vital life?
If you answered yes, Brigit is the Celtic goddess to call on. She is the goddess of healing, poetry, and smith-craft.
With Brigit as your guide, you will experience a wide spectrum of natural healing practices in this course — from herbalism to pure energy healing.
You won’t be forging any metal, but you will call on Brigit as goddess of the hearth to aid in your fire magic.
Of course, the the power of plant medicine and the enchantment of poetry are also Brigit’s gifts, so you will be exploring the magic of healing with herbs and poetic expression.
You will learn how to work with faeries, plant spirits, and your own life force energy the way ancient shamanic healers and druids did (and still do in some parts of the world).
Step into a new adventure of discovery and vitality as you align with the life force of your own personal plant allies and helpful healing spirits — including the goddess Brigit, of course!
Student Rave
Just a quick word to mention that I really enjoyed Brigit’s path. It is a gentle introduction to shamanism with the fae realm with plenty a useful resources. — Marilyn S.
Walk with Brigit through Nine Months of Shamanic Healing Techniques, Energy Healing & Herbology
You will work closely with the goddess Brigit as she guides you through a healing journey of discovery.
What you will learn:
- Healing with the faeries and plant spirits
- How to connect with your personal plant spirit guide
- Cutting edge energy healing modalities
- Find out which healing plants are most aligned with you
- Make your own flower essence remedies
- Celtic Shamanic healing techniques
- Learn advanced Faery Reiki healing methods
*Includes Bonus Faery Reiki Attunement! ($27 value)
Faery Reiki aligns you with the healing faeries of Avalon and the elemental spirits of the faery realm for healing yourself and others. Once attuned, you will be able to send faery reiki healing and attunements to others.
You will receive a new online lesson each month for 9 months covering:
Sign Me Up Now!
A 9 Month Magical Healing Course Value $297
Now Only $147
Includes a Bonus Faery Reiki Attunement ($27 value)
Sign Up Here to learn Brigit’s Celtic Shamanic Healing Techniques!
As soon as you sign up, you may receive an email with an opt in link, or you may get the first lesson link right away. If you get the confirmation email with the opt in link, just click on the link and your first lesson email will be sent out right away. After that you will receive a new lesson every 30 days for 9 months.
Or Choose the 8 Month Payment Plan Option — only $20 per month!
Important Note: If you choose this payment option, you will need to Email Bernadette Wulf to let me know, so I can manually add you to the email list. Otherwise you will not receive the monthly lessons.
Student Rave
I thought the Brigit’s Path course was great. It presented a solid earth-centric approach to energy work and healing. It involved a number of different modalities, including, but not limited to, plants, essences, and journeys. The course provided a lot information and various paths for developing a relationship with Brigit.
For someone with no prior knowledge of Brigit, the course was truly a wealth of information and potentialities. For someone with prior knowledge of Brigit, the course provided ample opportunity to deepen and strengthen that connection. Good stuff. Thank you for making the course available. — Tom S.
Meet the Celtic Goddess of Healing, Poetry & Smith-craft in Brigit’s Path Magical Healing Course
Do you ever wish you knew how to help yourself or others align their energy with energy healing techniques, choose the right herbs or remedies, use shamanic healing techniques, or simply live a healthier and more vital life?
I’m Ready to Sign Up to learn Brigit’s Celtic Shamanic Healing Techniques!
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A 9 Month Magical Healing Course Value $297
Now Only $147
Includes a Bonus Faery Reiki Attunement ($27 value)
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