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Faehallows School of Magic — Celtic Magic Courses Online

Step Into Your Own Magical Faery Tale

Transform Your Life with Ancient Celtic Faery Magic and Law of Attraction

—as You Connect with the Rhythms of Nature & the Oneness of the Universe

Our year-and-a-day Foundation Course covers everything you need to get started on your Magical Initiation Journey.

Faehallows School of Magic Foundation Course Brigit's Path - Faehallows School of Magic

Questions? Email Faehallows School of Magic

Check Out Our Celtic Magic Courses Online

Faehallows School of Magic Foundation Course

Faehallows Magical Foundation Course

Your Magical Initiation Journey

Discover how Traditional Magic, Ancient Celtic Mystery Wisdom & the Enchantment of the Faeries works hand-in-hand with Law of Attraction to uplift your soul in this year-and-a-day Magical Mystery School Course.

Get a whole new lease on life as you reconnect with your living magical roots and tap into the wonder that can restore your life, and heal the world around you.

Brigit's Path - Faehallows School of MagicBrigit’s Path

Magical Shamanic Energy Healing Course

Walk with Brigit through Nine Months of Energy Healing and Herbology. You  will:

  • work closely with Brigit
  • connect with your own plant sprit ally
  • explore a multitude of energy healing modalities
  • includes a Free Bonus Faery Reiki Attunement – $27 value

Merlin’s Path

Arthurian Magic — Merlin’s Mission to Heal the World — and You!

Step into the living realm of Merlin, Camelot and the Faeries of Avalon. In this Ten Month course you will:

  • take a deep dive into Arthurian lore
  • learn how to open a portal to Avalon
  • connect with the healing energy of the faery realm
  • work closely with Merlin to align your life and our world with harmony

Live interactive Zoom workshopsFaehallows Live Interactive Workshops on Zoom

Faehallows Upcoming Events — Live Zoom workshops and Occasional In-person rituals
Posted on my Portal Site — Stay tuned for updates, events, and the latest magical happenings.

Learn About Faehallows Upcoming Events

At Faehallows School You Will Discover the Ancient Magic of the Celts

You will be immersed in the rich and powerful world of Celtic faery magic.

  • Learn rituals, spells, divination, enchantments
  • Delve into the magical mystery of Celtic folklore and mythology
  • Magical communityUncover Mystical Knowledge — Our online curriculum incorporates magic, history, alchemy, herbology, astrology, and the magical arts which are rooted in centuries-old Celtic tradition
  • Immerse Yourself in the Cycle of the Seasons — Experience the transformative journey through the eight Celtic seasons and their connection with the Four Sacred Hallows, each bringing its unique magic, wisdom, and transformation
  • Explore traditional magical rituals — Grounding, shielding, casting a circle, aligning with the four directions and elemental symbols, finding and using magical tools, and much more!
  • Experience how Law of Attraction enhances your magic
  • Meet your guides from the Otherworlds

Enroll in Our Celtic Magic Courses Online Now and Embark on Your Magical Journey!

Raise your wand, open your heart, and step into a world of enchantment. Begin your magical education at Faehallows School of Magic today!

Enroll in our Magical Foundation Course Here

Here’s a free gift for you!

Why Choose Faehallows Celtic Magic Courses Online?

You found this page, so you must be extraordinary — because Faehallows School of Magic is extraordinary.

Faeries of Avalon—Celtic Magic Courses OnlineOut of all the mystery schools in the world, this Celtic magical path is the only one that is rooted in Celtic mythology, Law of Attraction and the timeless secrets of our faery cousins.

Faeries are active participants in all the Celtic myths and Arthurian legends that inform our magic – and there’s an important reason. You can still work with them today!

When you ground your spiritual practice with deep roots in Faery magic, your consciousness will expand in a balanced, harmonious way.

More Magical Offers:

Uplift Your Life — and the World!

Faery voices are calling from the Otherworlds, asking you to help them co-create the New Earth Golden Age of harmony, cooperation, peace and prosperity for all life on our planet.

Into the Hollow Hills - Art © Bernadette Wulf
Into the Hollow Hills © Bernadette Wulf — Click image to buy prints

This is the magical reality faeries already experience in their own realm. Now it is time for us to bring it to the human world.

As a Spiritual Visionary, you can learn to connect with these faery beings – particularly the faeries of Avalon – and join in their work of uplifting our planet.

In fact, you may be an essential link in the process of transforming our world.

Student Raves

Our Students Love Faehallows Online Celtic Magic School!

Magical woman

“It was so well worth it!”

“Thank you so much for this beautiful course. You are right, within one year, the changes were immense. I felt the strength of being so grounded with and connected to the Universal energy and the power of law of attraction. — I was happy to be educated in such a positive way regarding ‘good magic.’ It worked in so many ways for me. I will continue this  beautiful practice and Am wondering if you have other courses like this. Thank you for putting this course in my path. It was so well worth it!” – Kimber Sobec
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Highly Recommended!

Woman - online Celtic magic schoolI highly recommend ANY group or event run by Bernadette Wulf! She is a wonderful spiritual teacher, guide to other realms, and magical presence. You’ll find much for your soul to drink in and be calmed and strengthened by in this event! – Caroline Oceana Ryan, author and channeler

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“I do want to say that the information that you have shared, and what I keep reading and rereading has been very valuable for me. And I do believe it’s added to both my personal life as well as what I am able then to share with others. And that’s, that’s a great gift.” – Michele
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Online Celtic Magic School - Elves and faeries are always watching = She Watches through the Veil © Bernadette Wulf
She Watches through the Veil © Bernadette Wulf — Click image to buy prints

“This course is not at all what I was expecting, but better.”

“I was looking for magick and mystery because I have a sincere interest, but it seems for now, that this is myself that I must discover through magick. So, this course is not at all what I was expecting, but better.”  —  Valerie

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“I wanted to email you and tell you how imaginative and well written your lessons were.”  —  M. West
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“Most beautiful I have seen anywhere.”

“Before taking your course, I had already read a few of [a well-known magical teacher’s] things, and had attempted otherworld journeys, with surprising success. I have to tell you, however, I found your journeys to be the most beautiful I have seen anywhere. I convinced my girlfriend to come on one with me last Imbolc, and at one point she involuntarily yelled out because of how real it actually was. …I do think your writing is very beautiful and I really am excited to get deeper into the mysteries. Thank you for doing your part in spreading such positive energies!”  —  Reykur

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Accelerated Journey!

Your courses have accelerated my journey with the faeries. Also, your shamanic journeying has been a valuable tool in my work (and play) with the faeries. You have a natural ability to take us to places we could not otherwise go. – Cathy Corn, Author

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Faehallows Celtic Magic Courses Online — Where Celtic Lore and Faery Magic Intertwines with Law of Attraction.

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Questions? Email Bernadette at Faehallows School of Magic


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